Product Information

  • Commodity : FRAME ASS’Y
  • Model : SJSM-W
  • Item number : 230900
  • Q-CODE : Q4012846
Q4012846FRAME ASS'Y230900
2Q4002699COTTER PLATEE-5675401
4Q4006737AIR BLOW PIPEE-5675531
5Q4002700COVER PLATEE-5675722
6S.H.C.SCREWE-569707M6 x 10L4
7S.H.C.SCREWE-569708M6 x 12L4
8Q4006729TRUST WASHERE-5698896
9LOCK BOLTE-569928M12 x 35L4
10Q4002696SHIM RINGE-5699753
11Q4007601SHOULER BOLTE-5699763

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